Only adults 18 & over can create AccessIEA logins. Parents will have the option to invite their youth rider family members to create their own login after the application process is complete.
NEW & RETURNING TEAMS SIGNING UP AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2024 MUST CONTACT THEIR ZONE ADMIN or [email protected] FOR PERMISSION prior to joining to make sure there are still adequate shows available in your region. RIDERS, additional COACHES, and ADULT MEMBERS may join anytime during the season.
This quiz is for all Coaches and Adult Community Members (Adult Contributing Members, Adult Riders and Show Officials).
IEA is in the process of implementing a new membership database called AccessIEA. This new membership tool is being developed in partnership with, the team of programmers responsible for creating the American Paint Horse Association’s extensive membership database.
AccessIEA has been (and continues to be) released in PHASES for all returning and new members during the 2024-2025 season. As this is our first year using this new membership tool – everyone joining IEA must first CREATE AN ACCOUNT before selecting your membership type. Once you have created and verified your account, then you can login to AccessIEA and choose your membership type 2024-2025 season (RIDER, COACH, ADULT CONTRIBUTING MEMBER, etc.)
For all riders registering for the 2024-2025 competition season, their RIDER CLASS DETERMINATION DATE in which prior non-IEA SHOW EXPERIENCE counts when matching skill level and experience to class descriptions and eligibility criteria will be JUNE 3, 2024.
Any non-IEA experience occurring after June 3, 2024 will not impact a rider’s placement for the 2024-2025 competition season.
Click on the button above to shoot us an email at [email protected] for help with specific questions or issues you may be having with AccessIEA. Please include screenshots of your issue(s) whenever possible.
The IEA recommends gathering team members over the summer and submitting your complete team membership registration between JUNE and SEPTEMBER. Registering early will provide you with the most opportunities for a full show season.
Regular season competitions begin August 1st each year and run through January/February in most cases. Post-season shows typically run January – March.
The IEA is committed to increasing concussion awareness in equestrian sports.
It is important that IEA coaches recognize the signs and symptoms of concussion and head injuries in youth sports participants. To that end, IEA requires that coaches complete annually the free online training course in concussion recognition offered through the National Federation of State High School Associations at
Full details can be found on the Coach membership application.
The IEA hosts 3 disciplines: Hunt Seat, Western, and Dressage.
An IEA team consists of at least 1 coach and 3 rider members. Depending on member history with the IEA, the team may be required to host or co-host a regular season horse show according to Rule G2302.
Riders are organized by their grade level.
An IEA Coach must be at least 21 years old and covered by a liability policy that carries a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence. The IEA offers coverage through Equisure that can be purchased through the Membership Office. ($150/year covers participation in IEA events and practices.)
Contributing Members are adult members of the IEA. Contributing Members may join a team, be authorized to handle team communications and assist with paperwork with the coach’s permission.