IEA News

IEA Dressage National Finals is Moving to Tyler, Texas!

Due to ongoing COVID-related restrictions for out-of-state travelers and quarantine requirements in the State of New York, the location of DRESSAGE NATIONAL FINALS is being moved to Texas Rose Horse Park in Tyler, Texas on the SAME DATES – MAY 15-16, 2021.
This change, which was discussed over a period of weeks and ultimately approved by the IEA COVID Task Force, Dressage Leadership and the IEA Board of Directors, allows for the largest number of riders and teams to compete at Dressage National Finals. Many factors, scenarios and locations were taken into consideration with safety, accessibility, horse availability and travel requirements in mind.
IEA is grateful to all our members for their willingness to be flexible in this most unusual season. We are also grateful to Texas Rose Horse Park for making their facility available for our competition.
Questions related to Dressage National Finals may be directed to IEA Dressage Administrator, Emily David at [email protected].
At this time, Hunt Seat and Western National Finals will remain on the same dates and locations as previously announced.  Thank you.